Progress #8: Snipers of Jeddachi

The Jeddachi claim to be the descendants of the first humans to arrive on the Stone.

Their ancient calderas are home to the original 13 tribes, each of the long extinct volcanoes shaped by nearly three thousand years of continuous human occupation. It is even rumoured that the Autarch of the First Family is cursed to know the fate of the human Homeworld.

They are protected by the Snipers, armed with millenia old weaponry, and considered to be amongst the deadliest military forces in all the Stone.

A large part of the reputation rests on their resistance to their neighbours, the Manicougian Menace -- Fungal Hive-lords that crave expansion, infection, and subversion.

Whilst the wicked Dvidui and an inceasingly desperate Bram wage war on Banegy Sanjibeg, the Empress of Dust sends her most inhuman allies against the ancient nation.

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