#03 ~ Gamemaker + Spine2d integration

Still animating and discovering how much I enjoy it.

This post I am talking about how I used Spine2d and Gamemaker 2 together ...

First up, I got the Spineboy walk animation up and running.

I swapped in my images for spine boys and started hacking away at the walk cycle.

Happy with that, I output the .json of the animation which was already in a format I could use as a struct directly in GMS2.

I create a series of animation functions which either cache the raw animation data or return the cache.

Each draw cycle checks the struct for where each limb ought to be right now and that's it! 

So easy. 

I have created the male/female/non-binary sprites and now have a generic animation that can turn a frankensteins treasure trove of body parts into a walking talking player character :)

Which means I'm one step closer to limb-by-limb combat. This is my french vanilla blood splattered latte fantasy.


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